Saturday 8 May 2010

Day 1 - Satigny to Tarare 177 kms

We're off! After having dropped off our bags the evening before at Fred's place, we assembled in Satigny at 8:30 for a pain au chocolat & coffee (for those who like the stuff). Marc had already loaded the car & we were quickly ready to go. We were accompanied for a while by Damien, Cathy & a guy that I didn't know.

Today's entry will be quite short, because my watch died after just under 7 hours, so I played around trying to get the data from Fred's Garmin. It's already 22:30 and I'm tired. The embedded graph is from Fred's 705, which shows our route to Tarare - 177kms (plus 13kms to get from my house to the start).

The weather wasn't too bad (a bit of rain during the last 10kms), but there was quite a lot of head-wind. Nice that we have two locomotives (Anthony and Vincent). The roads and views were very nice, and this being the 8th of May, we were treated to Remembrance ceremonies in several villages - and the Marseillaise in one!

Pictures from today are available here.

We're all quite tired, but the hotel is nice and dinner in town wasn't bad either (€15 for a three-course meal).

Good night!
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